I am sure that we can all agree that the last couple years have been very hard on Americans and also the great people of Missoula. With the start of the COVID pandemic and now rising inflation, low inventory of affordable real estate housing and gas prices over $4 a gallon, it feels like we just can’t catch a break. The city of Missoula, Montana did a count of the homeless people recently and it found that the number of homeless has risen to around 650. This is unacceptable!
What can we do?
With the troubling economic times that we are facing, everyone at the Bannack Real Estate Group would like to help. Everytime you buy or sell with Bannack Real Estate, we will donate a portion of our commision to help the needy of this wonderful community. Missoula has a special place in our hearts and we feel that we need to help!
If you have any questions, please give me a call and we can discuss what is on your mind, (406)926-6767
Jeremy Williams
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